منتدى مدارس عبد الرحمن فقيه النموذجية بمكة المكرمة
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منتدى مدارس عبد الرحمن فقيه النموذجية بمكة المكرمة
مرحبا زائرنا الكريم بمنتدى مدارس عبد الرحمن فقيه النموذجية
منتدى مدارس عبد الرحمن فقيه النموذجية بمكة المكرمة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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مجموع عدد الأصوات : 11

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[ مُعاينة اللائحة بأكملها ]

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اذهب الى الأسفل

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مُساهمة من طرف taha الخميس 22 فبراير 2018, 11:45 am

abaya a full-length, sleeveless outer garment worn by Arabs
abomasum the fourth stomach of a ruminant, such as a cow or sheep
absquatulate to leave somewhere abruptly
adscititious additional
afreet a powerful jinn or demon in Arabian and Muslim mythology
Albertopolis a group of museums and other cultural institutions in South Kensington in London, named after Prince Albert
alcazar a Spanish palace or fortress
amphibology a phrase or sentence that is grammatically ambiguous, such asShe sees more of her children than her husband
amphisbaena a mythical serpent with a head at each end
anfractuous winding or circuitous
anguilliform resembling an eel
apoptosis the death of cells which occurs as a normal part of an organism's growth or development
apple-knocker US informal an ignorant or unsophisticated person
argle-bargle copious but meaningless talk or writing
Argus-eyed vigilant, referring to Argos, a Greek mythological watchman with a hundred eyes
argute shrewd
ariel a gazelle found in the Middle East and North Africa
aristotle Austral. rhyming slang a bottle
aspergillum an implement used for sprinkling holy water in religious ceremonies
astrobleme an eroded remnant of a large, ancient crater made by the impact of a meteorite or comet
Attic salt refined, incisive wit
autotomy the casting off of a limb or other part of the body by an animal under threat, such as a lizard
badmash Indian a hooligan
bandoline a sticky preparation used for setting hair
bardolatry humorous excessive admiration of Shakespeare (‘the Bard of Avon’)
Barmecide illusory or imaginary and therefore disappointing
barn burner N. Amer. a very exciting or dramatic event, especially a sports contest; first used of an exceptionally good hand at bridge.
bashment W. Indian a large party or dance
bawbee Scottish a coin of low value
benthos the flora and fauna on the bottom of a sea or lake
bergschrund a type of crevasse
bezoar a small hard, solid mass which may form in the stomachs of animals such as goats or sheep
bibliopole a person who buys and sells books, especially rare ones
bichon frise a breed of toy dog with a fine, curly white coat
bilboes an iron bar with sliding shackles, used to fasten prisoners' ankles
bindlestiff N. Amer. a tramp
bingle Austral. informal a collision
blatherskite a person who talks at great length without making much sense
bleeding edge the very forefront of technological development
blind pig N. Amer. informal a place where alcoholic drinks are sold illegally
bobsy-die a great deal of fuss or trouble
boffola N. Amer. informal a joke that gets a loud or hearty laugh
boilover Austral. informal a surprise result in a sporting event
borborygmus a rumbling or gurgling noise in the intestines
breatharian a person who believes that it is possible, through meditation, to reach a level of consciousness where one can exist on air alone
Brobdingnagian gigantic, from Brobdingnag, a country in Jonathan Swift'sGulliver's Travels
bruxism involuntary and habitual grinding of the teeth
bumbo a drink of rum, sugar, water, and nutmeg
burnsides a moustache in combination with whiskers on the cheeks but no beard on the chin
cacoethes an urge to do something inadvisable
callipygian having shapely buttocks
callithumpian like a discordant band or a noisy parade
camisado a military attack carried out at night
canorous melodious or resonant
cantillate to chant or intone a passage of religious text
carphology convulsive or involuntary movements made by delirious patients, such as plucking at the bedclothes
catoptromancy foretelling the future by means of a mirror
cereology the study or investigation of crop circles
cerulean deep sky blue
chad a piece of waste paper produced by punching a hole
chalkdown S. African informal a teachers' strike
chanticleer a rooster in a fairy tale
chiliad a thousand things or a thousand years
chump change N. Amer. informal a small or insignificant sum of money
claggy Brit. dialect sticky or able to form sticky lumps
clepsydra an early clock using the flow of water into or out of a container
colporteur a person who peddles books, newspapers, or other writings, especially bibles and religious tracts
comess W. Indian a confused or noisy situation
commensalism an association between two organisms in which one benefits from the relationship and the other derives neither harm nor benefit
comminatory threatening, punitive, or vengeful
concinnity elegance or neatness of literary or artistic style
congius an ancient Roman liquid measure equal in modern terms to about 6 imperial pints
conniption (or conniption fit) N. Amer. informal a fit of rage or hysterics
constellate to gather together in a cluster or group
coprolalia the involuntary repetitive use of obscene language
coriaceous like leather
couthy Scottish (of a person) warm and friendly; (of a place) cosy and comfortable
criticaster a minor or incompetent critic

عدد المساهمات : 10
نقاط : 2497
شكر و تقدير : 2
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/02/2018

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