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How to Memorize Words for a Spelling Bee
2 مشترك
منتدى مدارس عبد الرحمن فقيه النموذجية بمكة المكرمة :: منتدى المرحلة الابتدائية :: قسم الدروس التعليمية :: المسار الدولي
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
How to Memorize Words for a Spelling Bee
How to Memorize Words for a Spelling Bee
S-P-E-L-L-I-N-G B-E-E.
Spelling Bee.
Sound familiar[/font?]
It is sort of difficult to memorize a lot of words for one little competition, especially if you are not the best speller on Earth. But if you want to win, and are willing to make a true effort, these tips will help--guaranteed!
Make up creative ways to memorize the words
For an example, the word arithmetic. It sounds fairly hard, right? Well, think of the word this way: A-rat-in-the-house-might-eat-the-ice-cream. Take the first letter of each word and you get: "arithmetic." Now, when that caller with the bulky voice yells, "ARITHMETIC!" you'll know exactly what to spell.
Study daily up until the competition
As soon as you get the packet/brochure/sheet with the spelling words listed on them, start studying. Whenever you have free time, before you go to bed at night, it doesn't matter. But not having to cram three days before the Spelling Bee really does make a difference...if your brain learns the words slowly instead of rapidly, it will give you time to process the information--plus, your brain doesn't enjoy having to handle so much stress which is caused by impossible words and very little time.
Pick an area to study
A nice, quiet room with good lighting would be an ideal place. Choose a day where you have nothing else to worry about, time, and your ready-to-think brain. Also, make sure there are as little distractions as possible. (TVs, the neighbor's dog barking, music, etc; should not be heard/seen at this time.)
During regular chores/activities, think about the words
This can be done in any way, really. Like, while you are walking the dog, spell the word c-a-n-i-n-e in your head. Or, when you are doing the laundry, d-e-t-e-r-g-e-n-t. You should probably do this after your study--don't try to guess how to spell a word, you may misspell it. (English has some very weird rules that are sometimes not followed.)
Get Help
If you are struggling over a few words. Don't stress out. Get a reliable adult or friend to help you test on your spelling words.
Relax before the competition
You've studied, you've worked, you've done everything you can--now it's time to shine! Study as little as possible during this time, you probably just want to kick back and watch a movie. (Try to watch Akeelah and The Bee, it has some good tips.)
Have an interest in memorizing words
Interest is of importance in study. If you are lazy and want to do nothing, you won't memorize words any more.]
S-P-E-L-L-I-N-G B-E-E.
Spelling Bee.
Sound familiar[/font?]
It is sort of difficult to memorize a lot of words for one little competition, especially if you are not the best speller on Earth. But if you want to win, and are willing to make a true effort, these tips will help--guaranteed!
Make up creative ways to memorize the words
For an example, the word arithmetic. It sounds fairly hard, right? Well, think of the word this way: A-rat-in-the-house-might-eat-the-ice-cream. Take the first letter of each word and you get: "arithmetic." Now, when that caller with the bulky voice yells, "ARITHMETIC!" you'll know exactly what to spell.
Study daily up until the competition
As soon as you get the packet/brochure/sheet with the spelling words listed on them, start studying. Whenever you have free time, before you go to bed at night, it doesn't matter. But not having to cram three days before the Spelling Bee really does make a difference...if your brain learns the words slowly instead of rapidly, it will give you time to process the information--plus, your brain doesn't enjoy having to handle so much stress which is caused by impossible words and very little time.
Pick an area to study
A nice, quiet room with good lighting would be an ideal place. Choose a day where you have nothing else to worry about, time, and your ready-to-think brain. Also, make sure there are as little distractions as possible. (TVs, the neighbor's dog barking, music, etc; should not be heard/seen at this time.)
During regular chores/activities, think about the words
This can be done in any way, really. Like, while you are walking the dog, spell the word c-a-n-i-n-e in your head. Or, when you are doing the laundry, d-e-t-e-r-g-e-n-t. You should probably do this after your study--don't try to guess how to spell a word, you may misspell it. (English has some very weird rules that are sometimes not followed.)
Get Help
If you are struggling over a few words. Don't stress out. Get a reliable adult or friend to help you test on your spelling words.
Relax before the competition
You've studied, you've worked, you've done everything you can--now it's time to shine! Study as little as possible during this time, you probably just want to kick back and watch a movie. (Try to watch Akeelah and The Bee, it has some good tips.)
Have an interest in memorizing words
Interest is of importance in study. If you are lazy and want to do nothing, you won't memorize words any more.]
Saleem Alhafi- عدد المساهمات : 4
نقاط : 3239
شكر و تقدير : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/01/2016
رد: How to Memorize Words for a Spelling Bee
very interesting
ahmadalmenshawy- عدد المساهمات : 11
نقاط : 3255
شكر و تقدير : 5
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/01/2016
منتدى مدارس عبد الرحمن فقيه النموذجية بمكة المكرمة :: منتدى المرحلة الابتدائية :: قسم الدروس التعليمية :: المسار الدولي
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
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